In drawings of the sun by children sun rays typically emanate from the sun (a defined circle), and they appear linear… And I got think “how interesting… why is that?”…

As humans we appear fascinated by linearity, and we apply it often to talk about life or varied life situations. I see this time and again when talking with my clients during coaching sessions or in informal “chats” with friends.

We try to follow a straight path for our careers, and even our lives to some degree. It seems easy to fall into the trap of thinking that life is a linear progression: first this, then that, and “then, I can enjoy”.

When I decided to become a life coach after 20 years developing my career as an engineer and renewable energy expert, I had the impression I was rejecting an identity to embrace another, and doing something that was “not linear” and that it was “bad”…

I even made a mental connection with the time when as a 7-year-old girl, my father (“the engineer” 🙂 had let me have my palm read at “Les Puces” (famous Parisian flea market).

After some moments, the high-sensory lady showed me how I had a clear “break” in my lifeline. “This is significant” she said, “you’re gonna have a big change in mid-life, almost a re-birth”…

Could this lady have been talking about my career shift?…

My own introspection led to me to decide how I interpret my past, as well as my life transitions, in this case my career change.

Through coaching, I could try and connect the dots intentionally. I have come to envisage my new profession as another angle to “shine my light” onto this world, and provide perspective to my coaching clients (and myself).

I now see how this career change is a continuation from my life experience so far, in that I get to build on all the wonderful useful things I have learned on the way, and let go with compassion of “the rest” of it. What a relief!

More significantly, I can embrace how my decision to become a coach is nothing but a “rejection” of my professional path as an engineer; I become ”more” and not “less”.

I continue to step up as a science practitioner (e.g. with positive psychology). I educate myself and others to concepts that I assimilate and communicate about them in an engaging manner. Through my work, I can impact human beings and society at large. I matter. And I remain my authentic-self, both within and surrounded by all these sunrays of others and the infinite, feeling the legacy of my teachers, my ancestors, my loved ones, the departed and the ones still with us here…

In a world that values productivity and efficiency above all else, it can be hard to remember that life is not a race on a straight line.

We all have unique paths to follow, and there is no one ‘right’ way to live. By focusing on personal growth and self-awareness, we can find fulfillment in any stage of life.

If you want to work on embracing the richness of your unique journey, I am here to support you.

Contact me and let’s organise a one-off discovery coaching session. Time to take a peek what other roads you could explore…

Sincerely yours,
Dr Sophie