In a world that often glorifies instant success and immediate gratification, the journey of persistence can feel like an uphill battle. We’re bombarded with messages that quitting is an option, that it’s acceptable to abandon our goals when the going gets tough. But what if I told you that giving up on your dreams is not just a momentary setback but a habit that can hinder your long-term success and fulfilment?

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the problem with giving up, explore the difference between acceptance and giving up, understand the compelling reasons behind goal setting, and learn how to remove quitting as an attractive option.

Drawing insights from Life Coach School podcast, as well as principles from positive psychology, let’s get on a journey of mastering persistence and overcoming the temptation to quit.

The Problem with Giving Up

In today’s fast-paced society, the allure of giving up can be strong. When faced with obstacles or setbacks, it’s tempting to throw in the towel and walk away from our goals. However, the act of giving up comes with its own set of consequences. While it may offer temporary relief from discomfort or uncertainty, it ultimately leaves us feeling defeated and unfulfilled in the long run. Quitting robs us of the opportunity to grow, learn, and ultimately achieve our full potential.

Acceptance versus Giving Up

Acceptance and giving up may seem similar on the surface, but they are fundamentally different concepts. Acceptance involves acknowledging and embracing the things we cannot change, while giving up is a conscious decision to abandon our goals or aspirations. Acceptance is an active process that requires strength and resilience, whereas giving up often feels like inaction and defeat. By understanding the distinction between the two, we can cultivate a mindset of acceptance that empowers us to move forward with grace and determination.

Choosing your compelling reason with care- to set efficient goals for yourself

At the core of persistence lies the compelling reason for setting goals. Positive psychology emphasizes the significance of intrinsic motivation—the internal drive to pursue goals for personal growth and fulfilment (Ryan & Deci, 2000).

When individuals have intentionally crafted a compelling reason behind their goals, they are more likely to experience a higher quality of motivation and exhibit greater perseverance in the face of challenges (Sheldon & Elliot, 1999).

By aligning goals with personal values and aspirations, individuals tap into a deeper sense of purpose and meaning, fuelling their journey towards success. Thus, understanding the intrinsic motivation behind goals is essential for fostering resilience and sustaining long-term commitment.

How Quitting is a Habit that Slows You Down

Quitting is not just a one-time decision; it’s a habit that can slow us down and hinder our progress over time. Each time we give in to the temptation to quit, we reinforce neural pathways that make quitting easier in the future. We become skilled at justifying our decisions and finding excuses to avoid discomfort or challenge. However, by recognizing the detrimental effects of quitting and actively working to overcome it, we can break free from this pattern and unlock our potential.

Removing Quitting as an “Attractive” Option

To give up giving up, we must first confront the underlying beliefs and thought patterns that make quitting seem like an attractive option. We need to learn to manage discomfort and uncertainty without resorting to quitting, and instead, embrace them as opportunities for growth and learning. By refusing to accept excuses or justifications for quitting, we can cultivate a mindset of resilience and perseverance that propels us towards our goals. With each challenge we overcome and obstacle we face, we become stronger, more resilient individuals capable of achieving greatness.

Mastering persistence

As we conclude our exploration of mastering persistence, it’s clear that giving up is not an option for those committed to achieving their dreams.

By understanding the difference between acceptance and giving up, tapping into our intrinsic motivation, and actively working to overcome the habit of quitting, we can unlock our full potential and achieve success beyond our wildest dreams.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Sophie



  1. Life Coach School. (2016). Episode 125: Acceptance versus giving up [Audio podcast episode]. In The Life Coach School Podcast.
  2. Life Coach School. (2017). Episode 147: How quitting slows you down [Audio podcast episode]. In The Life Coach School Podcast. Retrieved from
  3. Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American psychologist, 55(1), 68–78.
  4. Sheldon, K. M., & Elliot, A. J. (1999). Goal striving, need satisfaction, and longitudinal well-being: The self-concordance model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76(3), 482–497.