For many of us, the belief that time and effort are the primary currencies for earning money is deeply ingrained. For me, maybe for you, we grow up with the notion that to earn more, we must work longer hours and exert more effort.
I can certainly recall my father saying how money is “easy to spend and hard to earn”, and him teaching me the Fable from La Fontaine about “The cicada and the ant”…
However, the mindset where wealth comes from working hard can be limiting and exhausting, capping our potential for financial growth and well-being. It’s time to repower your money equation by revisiting and reshaping your relationship between money, time, and effort.
Understanding the Traditional Money Equation: Time and Effort
In a recent conversation with Brooke Castillo on the Self Coaching Scholars course, we delved into the concept of “money as a friend” and how we engage in this relationship. Brooke emphasized that many people believe they must give their time, hours, and effort to get money. This traditional mindset confines us to a limited amount of money we can earn, as there are only so many hours in a day and so much effort we can expend in a lifetime.
When we follow this logic, if we want “more money”, we think we have to give more time and effort. As a result you’re always limited in the amount of money you can make because you can only give so much time and effort. This belief system creates a scenario where our financial growth is tied to physical and mental limits, and this can lead to burnout and frustration.
A New Philosophy: Value Creates Money
Instead of focusing solely on time and effort, we can shift our mindset to understand that value creates money. This philosophy, as discussed in the Life Coach School podcast episode 208, revolves around the idea that the value we create within the hours we work is what truly determines our earning potential.
Here’s how you can start implementing this approach and recalibrate your mindset:
1. Shift Your Belief System:
Recognize that your value—not your time—is what generates income. Ask yourself what value you bring to your work and how you can increase this value. This mindset shift opens up limitless possibilities for earning more without exhausting yourself.
2. Cultivate a Value-Creation Mindset:
Think about how you can use your mind to create more value. It measn to try and focus on working “smarter, not longer”. Actually if our minds create value, and value creates money, then we literally create money with our minds. Spo the best thing may be to invest in your mind through education, coaching, and continuous learning. In a way, your mind is your most important asset.
3. Invest in Yourself:
Take care of your mental and emotional well-being. Feed your mind with useful and healthy information. Study, read, and get coached to maximize your mind’s capacity to create value.
4. Leverage Your Time Efficiently:
Where appropriate, focus on activities that are within your zone of genius and create the most value. Outsource tasks that take you away from this zone. By doing so, you can spend your time on what you do best and maximize the value you create.
Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs About Money
Breaking free from the traditional money equation requires challenging and changing your limiting beliefs about money. Here are some steps to help you get started:
- Identify Limiting Beliefs: Reflect on your current beliefs about money and identify any negative or limiting ones. Challenge these beliefs by questioning their validity and considering alternative perspectives.
- Practice Gratitude: Cultivate a sense of gratitude for the money you have and the opportunities it provides. Focus on the positive aspects of money.
- Educate Yourself: Learn about personal finance, investing, and wealth-building strategies. Knowledge is empowering.
- Set Financial Goals: Define clear financial goals that align with your values and aspirations. Having specific goals motivates positive actions.
- Surround Yourself with Positive Influences: Seek out mentors, role models, or communities with a healthy relationship with money.
- Take Action: Start taking small steps towards improving your financial situation. Action breeds confidence and builds momentum towards financial success.
Conclusion: Creating Value and Investing in Your Mind
Repowering your money equation involves shifting from the traditional belief that time and effort solely generate income to understanding that value creation is the key. By investing in your mind and focusing on activities that maximize your adding of value, you can learn, in time, to break free from financial limitations and achieve greater success.
Exciting News: Embrace Financial Abundance at Anne-Claire Delval’s Event This Week
On July 4th, I’ll be discussing these concepts at Anne-Claire Delval’s women’s circle event at Onda, Luxembourg. We’ll explore themes like transitioning from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance, releasing blockages, and making peace with money as a catalyst for creation.
I’m thrilled to join Anne-Claire Delval as guest speaker for this special event. You can discover more about our previous conversation on coaching & personal transformation in episode #26 of Éclats de Voix here:
For more details and registration:
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Sophie
Inspired by:
Castillo, B. (Host). (2018, March 22). Planning a Money Philosophy [Audio podcast episode]. In The Life Coach School Podcast. The Life Coach School.
Castillo, B. (Host). (2024, January). Money is Your Friend [Self Coaching Scholars course]. The Life Coach School.
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