We need more compassionate leaders In today's rapidly changing world, the need for compassionate leaders has never been more critical. We live in a complex society where hierarchies and power dynamics can shape the way organizations and institutions operate. But there...
Have You Ever Wondered Whether You Are Hypersensitive? Understanding Sensitivity and Self-Leadership
Have you ever had moments when you felt like the world around you was just a bit too much to handle? Perhaps you've found certain sounds, textures, or emotions overwhelming at times. If so, you may have wondered whether you are hypersensitive. Why I felt “different”...
Coaching’s Key Insights & Your Path to Empowerment
As I embraced my "2nd career" as a certified life coach specializing in emotional intelligence and leadership, the profound impact of coaching became evident. Today, I'm thrilled to unveil several insights that are pivotal for both clients and fellow coaches. Please...
Assertiveness as a Woman in my Engineering Career
As I embark on the exciting opportunity to contribute to a book chapter on women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics), so called “technical” careers, I find myself reflecting on my own career path over the past 20+ years. This unexpected...
Be a Leader in Your Relationship with Money: Unlocking Abundance with Thought Work
Money plays a significant role in our lives, but often it's not money itself that causes problems; it's our thoughts and beliefs about it. When we approach money from a place of scarcity, it becomes a source of stress and limitation. However, by shifting our mindset...
Women’s leadership: why you need support and (coaching) work on overcoming limiting beliefs
In today's world, women continue to face challenges in reaching leadership positions within organizations. While systemic issues undoubtedly play a role, there are also areas where women have more control and agency. It's crucial to examine our own beliefs and...