Dearest Readers,

I am thrilled to announce the release of the latest episode of my video series, “Nutshell.” In this series, we delve into various aspects of positive psychology and coaching, designed specifically for the curious science-hungry minds among us.

Today, we are focusing on a topic that resonates deeply with many: emotional intelligence and emotional agility.

What is Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Agility?

Emotional intelligence can be defined as your ability to recognize, understand, and manage your own emotions, as well as how you perceive, interpret, and respond to the emotions of others.

Emotional agility, on the other hand, is the ability to navigate one’s emotions, adapt to changing circumstances, and respond to challenges in a constructive manner.

Thanks to famous psychologists like Mayer, Salovey, Caruso, and Goleman, it is now widely accepted that emotional intelligence is a valuable asset, much like IQ.

Emotional agility complements this by enabling us to use our emotional intelligence efficiently and elegantly.

The Science Behind Emotional Agility

The exciting part is that we can build on our brain’s plasticity, meaning we can train and become better at emotional agility. This is where coaching plays a significant role.

Many of us have not been “educated” on these topics, leading us to react to emotions rather than manage them. Ineffective emotional management can result in negative mental health impacts, such as obsessive or compulsive behaviours, overspending, over-scrolling, or even addictions.

The Transformative Power of Coaching to Enhace Your Emotional Intelligence & Agility

What I have seen is the transformation that my clients experience when they open up to their ability to perceive, understand, and manage their emotions; harnessing rather than surviving them.

In my coaching practice, I use cognitive behavioural coaching techniques. Together, we take stock of the thoughts, emotions, and actions, and understand the links between them. This forms the backbone of your mindset.

By working on bringing flexibility to this “backbone,” we can achieve different results from the same actions depending on the emotions we feel. When you start to get a bit of control over this, it changes everything.

Why This Matters for You to Learn How to Manage Emotions

In a nutshell, emotional intelligence and agility are abilities that you can intentionally train. With coaching, you can harness your emotions better, making your life more fulfilling.

This is particularly important when dealing with the complex emotions that often accompany discussions about money and investing.

Watch the Full Episode #3 of Nutshell Now!

I invite you to watch the full episode on YouTube, where we dive deeper into these concepts and explore practical ways to enhance your emotional intelligence and agility. Watch the video here.

In the next and last episode of Nutshell’s 1st Season, we’ll delve into the fascinating topic of empathy. Reach out if you want to suggest other topics for next season!

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Sophie


Event: Flourish Financially #1 – Overcoming Investing Fears for Women

As a positive psychology practitioner, I am passionate about empowering women to navigate midlife with confidence and clarity, starting with taking ownership of their financial destiny to flourish in their lives onwards.

This often requires learning to more effectively manage their complex or conflicting emotions to make informed financial decisions and have the necessary, sometimes difficult money conversations.

In line with this topic, I’m excited to announce an upcoming LinkedIn Audio event that promises to be equally transformative.

Join us for an empowering discussion with Minna Schmidt, a Financial Coach, and myself, Dr. Sophie Jablonski, as Emotional Intelligence & Leadership Coach.

We will address the common fears and misconceptions that hold women back from investing and building wealth.